Chasing Rainbows? the Possibility of “Cure” in Patients with Colorectal Peritoneal Metastases Undergoing Cytoreductive Surgery and HIPEC—a Retrospective Study by INDEPSO

By: Dr. Praveen Kammar, Dr Sanket Mehta
Authors: Bhatt A, Damodaran D, Zaveri S, Patel MD, Sinukumar S, Ray M, Seshadri R.
Journal: Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology
Category: Cytorerductive Surgeries and HIPEC
Start: January 30, 2019
Source :
DOI :10.1007/s13193-019-00879-9

Cytoreductive surgery (CRS) and HIPEC results in a median disease-free survival (DFS) of 12-15 months, overall survival (OS) of 23-63 months, and cure in around 15% of patients with colorectal peritoneal metastases (CPM).

The wide variation in OS may largely be attributed to different criteria for patient selection employed by different investigators. To evaluate outcomes of CRS and HIPEC for CPM in patients enrolled in the Indian HIPEC registry. A retrospective analysis of patients enrolled in the registry since its inception in March 2016 was performed.

The impact of various prognostic factors on DFS and OS was evaluated. From Jan 2013 to Dec 2017, 68 patients underwent CRS with HIPEC at six Indian centers. The median PCI was nine [range 3-35]. Twenty-two (32.3%) had mucinous tumors. A CC-0 resection was performed in 53 (77.9%) and CC-1 in 14 (20.5%).

The median DFS was 12 months [95% CI 11.037-12.963 months] and the median OS 25 months [95% CI 18.718-31.282]. The DFS was inferior in patients with right upper quadrant involvement (p = 0.02) and 90-day major morbidity (p = 0.002) and OS inferior in those with 90-day major morbidity (p < 0.001) and mucinous tumors with a PCI > 20.

The DFS compares well with results obtained by pioneering teams but we have no “cured” patients. Better patient selection and utilization of systemic therapies could in the future improve the OS. There is a compelling need to identify subgroups of CPM that benefit from the addition of HIPEC to CRS.

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