Ovarian Metastases of Colorectal Origin: Treatment Patterns and Factors Affecting Outcomes
By: Dr. Praveen Kammar
Authors: Engineer R, Patil PS, Ostwal V, Shylasree TS, Saklani AP.
Journal: Indian Journal of Surgical Oncology
Category: Colorectal Surgeries
Start: May 21, 2017
Source: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/29203984/
DOI: 10.1007/s13193-017-0667-9
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the patterns of treatment and factors affecting outcomes in ovarian metastases of colorectal origins treated at our institution and to assess the response of ovarian metastases to chemotherapy.
Survival in R0 and R+ resections and patients receiving only chemotherapy is also analyzed. This is a retrospective study of 25 patients registered between January 2012 and December 2015. Patient’s age, disease status, mode of presentation, disease spread, mode of treatment, response to chemotherapy, completeness of resection, histology, and outcomes were considered as variables for analysis.
There were 21 synchronous presentations and 4 metachronous presentations. In synchronous presentations, only 2 had extra-abdominal disease. Of these patients, 15 underwent surgeries of various extents. The remaining 6 patients were treated with chemotherarpy initially.
Only one of them could come up to surgery later. In R0 resections, disease recurred between 1 and 9 months (median 3.5 months). The recurrence was in peritoneum and ovaries. In operated cases, 12 of 15 patients received chemotherapy and 9 patients progressed on first line chemotherapy. In all 4 metachronous patients, the disease was in the peritoneum. No one underwent surgery for the recurrence due to the extensive nature of the disease.
All received chemotherapy. Sixty-six percent ovarian metastases showed progression on chemotherapy. There was no significant difference in the median survival between patients treated with surgery plus chemotherapy (23 months) vs. those treated with chemotherapy alone (28 months). Age and presence of disease at other sites did not affect the outcomes.
Non-signet ring cell histologies showed better outcomes compared to signet ring cell histology (p = 0.02). Synchronous presentation, R0 resections, and responsive disease showed better survival, however it was clinically not significant. Treatment of ovarian metastases of colorectal origins is varied but has consistently poor outcome. Non-signet histology was the only prognostic factor which showed better outcome.
Survival was not different between patients treated with surgery+chemotherapy and chemotherapy alone but majority of ovarian metastases progressed on chemotherapy. Considering the poor response to chemotherapy and peritoneum being the most common site of disease, both in primary and recurrent setting, R0 resection should always be attempted after selecting the correct patients using PET scan, laparoscopy and standard exploratory protocols.
Treatment should be tailored upon patient’s status and disease burden with an aim to do complete cytoreduction whenever possible. CRS+HIPEC (cytoreductive surgery + hyperthermic intraperitoneal chemotherapy) can be considered on case to case basis as even R0 resections tend to recur.